Monday, October 26, 2009

Accelerated math
Read 30 minutes

Books Fair:
The book fair is here! As your students are looking for books to purchase they can also look at my “wish list.” I wrote down some books that we need in our classroom. Students can donate these books to our class library if you are able to.

Please make sure you encourage students to wash their hands often, cough into their elbows, and stay home if they are sick. Every day I have the kids wash with anti-bacterial soap and we wash our desks with disinfectant after school.

Organization is a life skill that every child in this class needs to work on. You can help at home by making sure your student has their student planner and their homework folder at school everyday.

October 30th:
Character book dress up day is coming up. Please make sure if your student dressses up they have a book to go along with their costume. Remember this is character book dress up.

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