Tuesday, November 25, 2008

C3 News

Christmas Crafts:
I am planning on doing a few fun Christmas crafts with the kids. I need a few things from you if possible.
Fabric scraps
Christmas wrapping paper or wrapping paper scraps
Small puzzle pieces
If you have any of these hanging around the house we can use them for our art.

Homework Update:
I am going to tweek homework just a bit. You may have noticed on Tuesdays I have been sending a reading worksheet home with the kids. Here is what you can expect for homework during the week.

Mondays: read 20 minutes, math sheet, language arts
Tuesdays: read 20 minutes, math sheet, reading sheet
Wednesdays: read 20 minutes, math sheet, handwriting sheet
Thursdays: read 20 minutes, math sheet, Social studies or science when necessary
Fridays: Read 20 minutes

Spelling will also be thrown in there as well.


It seems that the links I have posted on the blog are not working. I will look into fixing them. They are great resources. I hope I am able to figure out what is wrong with them. I will keep you posted.

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