Wednesday, November 12, 2008

C-3 News

Book orders:
Book orders are due November 14th. There are a number of great deals in the order forms, and some fantastic holiday books. A few order forms have come in and parents are ordering books for Christmas presents. What an affordable way to get kids reading!

C-3 Lessons:

Reading: Ask your student what book they are reading during reading time. Have them tell you about it.
Vocabulary seems to be an issue for most students. We have been working on synonyms, and antonyms. I am trying to find some websites that you can use at home too. I will keep you posted.

Writing: We will begin some persuasive letter writing, hopefully by Friday.

Math: We are diving into multiplication, and division. I want to get multiplication steady then move on to division. Some Geometry will also be thrown in. Students will be tested on their 2's this Friday the 14th. I sent home flash cards so hopefully they got home and are being practiced.

Science: We are continuing living things. Mr. Etchemendy will be coming in to teach a Science work sample lesson. We will also be working on classifying living things.

Social Studies: We are finishing up with Government (took longer than I thought), and will be moving into Lewis and Clark soon.

I have noticed a huge drop in the amount of students bring back homework. Not only is homework a chance to teach responsibility, its also great practice for material we have covered in class. Please make sure to set aside homework time, and remind students to put their materials in their back packs.

If you are able to donate candy for the Friday parties we would greatly appreciate it. I know many of you just bought stuff for our Harvest party, so if you did not get a chance to donate for the party this is your chance to donate for the Friday Parties!

Math Whizz:
I am still learning the ins and outs of Math Whizz. If you have questions please ask and I will find the answer for you. The kids who have Math Whizz love it. I try to give them time during school to use it, but its not a lot of time. Please set aside time at home to use this great program. Many kids who do not have Math Whizz are very interested in it. I believe (don't quote me on this) there will be a time in January when kids will have a chance to sign up.

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