Thursday, October 21, 2010

Read for at least 15 minutes
Reading sheet due tomorrow
Speech due tomorrow
Math sheet

Thursday thoughts and other papers coming home today. This is a check backpack alert! :)

Multiplication facts:
Please, please, please practice multiplication facts with your students. We are getting into the harder ones (6,7,8,9….) and students need to have these in their heads. I will try to have them make flashcards, but it takes a lot of class time up. If you have flash cards at home use them.

Book Fair:
October 25-29th is the BOOK FAIR! Your students will have a preview of the book fair Friday morning and will come home with a wish list. Teachers also have wish lists. Please check out my wish list and donate a book to our class library. I am low on some reading levels so I will pick books that are truly needed in our class.

Speeches will begin at 9:30 Friday morning. If you are interested in coming to watch please let me know so I have chairs ready for you. I will also make sure students with parents watching go first in case you have to jet off to work afterwards. I am not sure how long it will take us to get through with the speeches, so make sure if you want to come to show up at 9:30.

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