Monday, February 02, 2009

Health Note:
I have been encouraging kids to keep their hands washed and using Kleenex to sneeze and cough in. We wash our desks everyday. There has also been a tummy illness going around. Many kids have been going home early because of this. Make sure your student is healthy and ready to learn. Hopefully with prevention we can stay healthy and happy.

Book Orders
A reminder that book orders are due February 13th. You can order online or have your child bring in the order. If you order online our classroom earns 500 points. I can use those points to purchase books for the classroom.

Valentines Day Boxes:

It is getting close to Valentine’s Day and at Forest Ridge
we practice re-using materials for Valentine Holders. To
help promote this, students 1st-5th are encouraged to create
a valentine holder at home using only materials from something
that would be recycled or thrown away (Kindergarten
has their own activity, please ask teachers for details). For
example, an old cereal box could be decorated using old paper
or envelopes torn into squares and glued to the side. As
many materials as possible should be from used items rather
than new. Students need to bring their masterpiece to school February 11th and 12th.

Book Reports:
Book reports are this Friday. Each student is expected to have read their book, made a poster to share and present their book report this FRIDAY!

Other News:
We are about to wrap up Lewis and Clark. Ask your student what they have learned about these two explorers

Important dates:
Feb. 6 book order presentations, spelling test
Feb. 13 book exchange, valentines day party, heifer project money due, book orders due
Feb.17 Miss Tucker starts teaching the Oregon Trail
Feb. 19 Science Fair projects are due and presented

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