Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Read 25 minutes
Math page
Reading sheet- Due Friday
Spelling- test Friday
Multiplication facts- test Friday

Book orders are coming home today. I am unable to order online at this time. However, I am able to call in the order over the phone then use my credit card to pay for it. I would need you to make checks payable to me in order to do that. It will be faster than mailing the order and the checks. I assure you the checks will be safe and used for the purchase of the books you would like to order. There are some great books in these two orders. Great prices too!

Book orders Due January 21st.

Mr. Coiner talked about personal safety today. It was a great lesson. Talk with your kids about what they learned.

Miss Hanson has been doing a lot of teaching and doing a great job! She is a natural. In math she has been covering Symmetry and Area.

We are wrapping up the Oregon Trail and starting on Pioneer Life. We have a guest speaker the 19th to talk about Pioneer Life. In Science Miss Hanson will be teaching Matter.

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