Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Read 30 minutes—Reading logs were due today, but can be brought in Thursday if needed
Math: Comparing numbers

I am sending home Pumpkin Patch permission slips home today. If you emailed me about being a volunteer please indicate you want to be one on the permission slip form. Chaperones will also need to pay $3.00. The good news is you get a pumpkin! J

I am also sending home information about your students first speech of the year! I will also email you that information.

Please remember tomorrow is the jog a thon. Make sure your student is wearing appropriate clothes and shoes.

Reading logs:
I have noticed that some students are not reading every day for at least 30 minutes. It is so important for kids to read for at least 30 minutes or more a day. Even for higher readers. I also ask for students to be honest about how many minutes they have read. If they did not read that day then don’t mark it. Thanks for your help.

Congratulations to all of the 5th graders! They all turned in their reading logs on time today! They have earned a Free Homework Pass!

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