Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homework: Read 30 minutes Math sheet Reading sheet Study spelling words Important dates: April 1st- parent night out RSVP required. April 4th – Charter board meeting 5:30 April 11th- Parent teacher club 6-7:30 Child care provided April 15th- No School- Furlough day L Field trip! May 20 is Down By the River. This is our school wide action project. Making Willamette Mission Park beautiful and learning some great science stuff. Mark your calendars and come enjoy the day with us! Don’t forget we have until April 22nd to fill up our “Baby, Oh Baby” basket! So far we have: baby nail clippers, take and toss sippy cups, and a Pooh diaper bag. All wonderful Items. We are off to a great start, but need to fill that basket up!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Homework: Read 30 minutes reading sheet --due Friday Spelling test-- Friday Practice multiplication- Quiz Friday We have had a great start today. Everyone looks relaxed and refreshed from their break. To all the parents who have had to reschedule conferences, Thank you!! I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Read 30 minutes
Reading sheet –Due Wednesday
Practice spelling—Test Wednesday

Family Fun Night is coming!

Family Fun Night is a time in May when we can all get together and have some fun. There is yummy food, fun games and of course our huge classroom basket auction.
Our class’s basket theme is “Baby Oh Baby”. Today the class and I made a list of all the affordable baby items we could think of. Here are a few:

Baby blankets
Toys and books
Lotion, powder, soap
Towels and washcloths
Bath toys
Binky clip
Manicure set
Home safety items
Bath tub

I think you get the idea. :) Items you buy can be for any gender, or you can buy items that could be used for either gender.
All Donations need to be in by April 22nd!
Let me know if you have any questions.

CET (Children’s Educational Theatre) came to visit our school today. A few classrooms were able to see them perform some skits and games. They handed out summer camp information. Your student should be brining it home tonight.

If you do not have a conference scheduled with me, please feel free to come in for a mini Open House Thursday the 17 (wear green) to see what your student has been doing and to chat with me if you want to. The Open House will be from 6:00-7:00PM

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Read 30 minutes
Work on Brochure
Math sheet (fractions)

This round of conferences I will not be meeting with everyone.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Brochure project
Read 30 minutes

For all who have not heard yet, I am having another GIRL!! I am going to be kept very busy with 2 little girls. LOL
I have had a few parents and kids worried I would be leaving this school year. I want to reassure you the baby is not due until July, so the school year should not be affected by it.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

This has been a busy week!

Read 30 minutes
reading sheet due tomorrow
study spelling words- test tomorrow
math sheet- due tomorrow

Our Field trip to Chamoeg Park is March 10th. Make sure your student has brought in their permission slip and $$. Students should also dress for the weather. Some of the activities will require us to be outside. Layers are always good.