Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Read 30 minutes---Reading Logs Due TOMORROW
Math sheet
Some reminders for September 30th:
Math Whizz Due tomorrow
Picture day tomorrow
Book Orders due tomorrow
Library books due tomorrow
Last Friday I passed out some registration forms to some of the students to take home. Please fill these out and return them to school ASAP. It’s very important that we have updated information.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Read 30 minutes--- new Read At Home (RAH) reading logs are coming home today. They are green.
Math sheet 3’s multiplication
Today we had the Jog-A-Thon Assembly. All of the kids are really excited about the prizes they can earn from their pledges. The Jog-A –Thon packets are going home today so keep a look out for them.
Class Store:
Our first class store is coming up on Wednesday September 30! I need your help in making sure there are fun and yummy things for kids to purchase with the money they have earned. If you are able to donate some inexpensive items to our “Class Store” please send them by Wednesday the 30th. The Dollar Tree is a great place to pick up a few items: Juice boxes, bags of chips, silly little toys, pencils, and pens…whatever you can bring in or think of. I really appreciate your help!
Book Orders:
Book orders are due by September 30th. Remember you can also order online! Our classroom can earn one free book with every order made online. So far we have one book we can add to our class library.
Picture Day:
Picture day is also September 30th!! WOW! There is a lot going on that day! If you want to order pictures please make sure packets are brought in on the 30th. Even if you are not going to order pictures your student will have their picture taken so they can be in the class photo.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Read 30 minutes
Math sheet---if not done in class
Reading sheet for students in my reading class
How to Choose a Just Right Book:
Look at the cover
Read the title and the author
Read the blurb in the back
Flip through the book
Read the first page
Use the 5 finger rule
0-1 fingers----too easy
2-3 fingers----Just Right
4-5 fingers----too hard.
Parents, I ask you to do this with your student each time they choose a book to read. If they are reading books that are too hard for them, they will not become better readers. They will become frustrated and not enjoy reading. I know some kids are feeling discouraged because they can not read the big chapter books some of the other students are reading. In order for them to be able to read those big chapter books they have to work on the level they are currently at. If we do not work as a team, students will not make much progress.
Reading Logs:
Students turned in their reading logs today. Nine students out of 25 did not turn in their reading logs. If your student still needs to turn in their reading log they can bring it tomorrow. New Reading logs will be sent home tomorrow (Thursday).
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Read 30 minutes—remember to use the reading logs
Math 2’s sheet
Field Trip:
October 28th we will be having out annual Pumpkin Patch Field trip. If you are interested in coming and being with a group of kids please let me know.
Library books are due tomorrow
Book orders are due September 30th. Remember you can order online and we will earn a free book for the class.
You are able to buy Math Whizz until October 1st. Please take advantage of this great program and opportunity.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Read 30 minutes Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
This is using our new and improved reading log for the week. Kids bring them to turn in to me on Wednesday. A new reading log will be sent home on Thursdays.
I sent home book orders today. We talked about ways to earn books (helping out around the house, babysitting….). If you would like me to recommend books for your child I would love to help. I am still getting to know them as readers, but I can sure try and help. I know how to look up levels of books.
You can also order the books online. I have sent home a letter explaining how to do so. I will also include it in this blog entry. For every order I get online we get a free book for our classroom! This will help me to provide more book choices for the students. I buy a lot of books for the class, so it will also save my wallet… he he he. Book Orders are due Sept. 30th. I will order all of the books that afternoon.
Dear Parent,
I have exciting news. You can now place your Scholastic Book Clubs orders online!
Browse all the great monthly Book Club selections at low prices and order online. Plus, our class earns a FREE Book every time a parent orders online.
Here's how it works:
1. Use the information below to access the Scholastic Book Clubs Web site.
2. Browse the titles with your child and place your order with your credit card.
3. Your order will come to me, and your credit card payment will go directly to Scholastic's secure server. There's no need to send money to school.
4. After I submit the entire class order to Scholastic, your order will be delivered to our classroom for your child to take home.
To get started, go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password in the sign-in fields on the right side of the page. Note: You do not need to create your own user name and password.
User Name: mrsbrownc3
Password: brownc3
Ordering online is the most convenient way to use Scholastic Book Clubs. You can order anytime, right up until the online order due date. You'll also get instant access to over 500 additional titles plus online-only specials and discounts.
And don't forget: Every time a parent places an order online, we earn a FREE book for our classroom library!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Read 30 minutes
Math sheet
A change in reading slips:
Forest Ridge is starting a school wide at home reading program. Each Thursday, students will bring home a bookmark/reading log to track their reading at home. This will help encourage kids to become better readers and promote reading outside of school. I started the year off with the reading slips, because we wanted to introduce the new reading program to students all at once Friday (tomorrow) at a school wide assembly. We want to pump them up and get them excited about reading. So please note the change in their reading slips tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Read 30 minutes
Multiplication sheet
Today I am sending home a form for Math Whizz: the Online Tutor. I would like all of my students to have this wonderful program available to them. I have seen great growth in students from last year. It is $50.00 for a year. If you ordered it from the web site it would be $19.99 a month. Ordering it through the school is a much better deal. If the price is a bit shocking, just think about how much money you spend renting video games or buying video games. This is an educational tool that is also fun. Students usually beg to do it in class.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Read 30 Minutes
2’s Multiplication sheet
5th grade choir kids have in class work to do
Bring decorations such as: stickers, pictures to decorate Writers Notebooks with
Being Absent:
When your child is absent they are still expected to read for 30 minutes each day and bring in a reading slip. Any other homework and/or class work that is missed will be sent home to finish at home.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Second Day!
Read 30 minutes
Bring $5.00 for planners
Make sure students have 4 different colored spiral notebooks by Monday Sept. 14th.
Important papers:
Important papers are being sent home with our messengers (the youngest student in the family or the only student in a family). Please make sure to go through them and sign or fill out the ones that need it. Thursdays are the days when Thursday Thoughts go home, and corrected papers go home.
Harry Potter:
This summer I read the first three Harry Potter books. I absolutely fell in love with them. I know and understand that some parents are not fans of these books. I would like to begin reading the first Harry Potter book next month. Please let me know if you are opposed. I know some parents are worried about the magic in the book. I had my doubts too, but I would never read something I thought would be inappropriate in my class. These are great books. However, if there are a number of people who would not like me reading them I will change my choice.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
A New Year
Read 30 minutes.
Parent volunteer form
Parent contact information
I would really like these two forms to be filled out and brought back tomorrow
Mistake with planners:
The student planners the 4th and 5th graders are to have are actually $5.00. When they were ordered the price went up from last year. I was unaware of this until this morning. If you have already paid the $3.00 please send $2.00 when you can. Otherwise please send $5.00 with your student sometime this week for a student planner.
I would like each student to have a Student Planner By Friday the 11th.
Students will be bringing home a classroom informational packet today. Some parents took them home yesterday at Open House. Here is a copy of it:
September 2, 2009
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself, and tell you a few things to get us started this week.
A Little about Myself:
My name is Karrie Brown. I grew up in Salem, Oregon and attended Western Baptist College (now Corban College) for my Bachelors, and Masters Degree. This is my eleventh year teaching. My husband and I live in Silverton with our 21 month old daughter Abigail, and our 3 year old Black Lab Bailey. If you ever have any questions or concerns please call me at 503-399-5548 or you can email me, brown_karrie@salkeiz.k12.or.us.
During open house I will be collecting as many email address I can to keep an open line of communication open. It is usually best to contact me through email. Sometimes it is hard to reach me by phone because of meetings and such. I do return phone calls as soon as possible, but email is a lot faster. I also send out a lot of classroom information through my classroom blog http://forestridgefalconsc3.blogspot.com/. Homework assignments will also be posted each day on the blog. It is so important for me to get information to you, so please check your email and our blog.
Lunch and Snack:
Since our lunch does not start until 12:10, I am allowing students to bring a simple healthy snack to munch on during class. Please keep these snacks easy, not too messy, and of course healthy. No cookies or candy.
Students are also welcome to bring water bottles to class. Only water is allowed in the bottle, no juice or pop.
2 glue sticks
Pencil sharpener
4 spiral notebooks of different colors or pictures
1 package of notebook paper (they can either give it to me to share, or keep in their desk)
Please do not have your child bring a binder. They will not need them in my class.
These supplies are in addition to the schools.
Student Planners: All of the 4th and 5th grade students will be using student planners this year. These planners will cost $3.00. This is a great way to keep track of your student’s homework assignments, and communicate with the teacher. It also prepares them for Middle School.
Classroom Rules:
Always tell the truth no matter what.
Obey all teachers
Include everyone
Raise your hand
Use your common sense.
At Forest Ridge we want our students to feel safe in the classroom. In order to do these rules need to be followed. We want the students at our school to Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful,
First warning is name on the board
One check by name misses part of recess
Two checks notice of concern or a call home
Three checks all of the above
*Any inappropriate behavior that is a constant everyday thing may require a meeting with the parents.
Classroom Management
I have fake Ms. Hughes (my maiden name) money. Students will be able to earn this money by turning in homework, good behavior in class and class jobs.I want this to be a real world learning experience for them. They will need to pay rent for the space they live (their desks) and will be fined for inappropriate behavior. I am going to set up a banking system so they can learn to plan ahead and save money. This will be a topic of many discussions. I am sure regulations will be added to this. I did this with my first class at Lake Labish and it really got them thinking about how money works, what their parents have to deal with each month and so on. It was a great thing! I am hoping that kids will understand if they don’t perform and do their jobs then they will not get paid. At the end of each month I will have a store for the kids. This is where your help is needed. If you have any old toys, or games or books…..and you want to get rid of them, send them my way. I can sell those things at the store. If you would like to buy snacks or anything for me to sell that would be great as well. Here are some suggestions for snacks if you need them: Capri suns, individual bags of chips, candy, or anything you think is good. If you want you can check with me if you have a question. School supplies would also be good. I am going to go to the dollar tree and see what they have. Student will be able to but 2 things each. I know I ask a lot from you guys, but with out you I could not do it! I really appreciate all of your help and the willingness you all have! I think this will be really fun for the kids.Homework is one way they can earn money. For everyday they bring their homework back they will earn $5.00. They can earn $25.00 a week on homework
Electronics/phones and Toys:
I do not allow electronics, phones or toys in the classroom. If there is a need for a cell phone then the phone needs to be turned completely off and given to me at the beginning of class. When school is out I will give it back, and the students can not turn them on and talk to people until they are out of the building. Last year I had a few kids bring electronics and phones and they either lost them or they were stolen. If electronics are brought then they will need to be given to me as well, and I will pass them out at the end of the day. It is best to leave those things at home. However, I do understand if a phone is needed.
Book Orders:
Once a month I try and send out Scholastic Book Club order forms. This is a great way to get great titles for your child at a very reasonable price. I have even started ordering for my little one! The date for when the order forms are due will be on the back, and if you send a check make it payable to Scholastic Books. With each order I receive points. With those points I can buy free books for our classroom. Not only are you buying great books for your kids, you are also helping to build a better classroom library for them.
I will try and send corrected papers home every Thursday along with Thursday Thoughts. Just know that Thursdays would be a great day to go through your child’s backpackJ.
Birthdays can be celebrated in the class. I prefer the last 15-20 minutes of the day. Please let me know 2-3 days in advance before the party.
Here is a look at the curriculum we are using at Forest Ridge
The comprehensive literacy model used in the classroom to teach reading includes the following components: purposeful instruction, modeled reading, shared reading, guided reading, and independent reading, and word study. The students will be using a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts throughout the year. There will be an emphasis on helping children find “Just Right” texts to be successful readers who increase their reading skills all year long.
Your child will be attending P.E. class 3 days each week: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY. Students need to wear shoes and clothing appropriate for P.E. participation.
The core math program for Forest Ridge is Investigations. This program uses a lot of hands on activities, and working with others. Students seem to enjoy working with manipulative.
Math facts work (primarily through math games) and math problem-solving will occur on a regular basis.
A supplemental program is our “Every Day Counts” calendar math. Many concepts are introduced and reinforced at this time. These activities are done each morning, so it is important that your student arrive at school on time so they do not miss this part of math.
The Rebecca Sitton Spelling and Word Skills program will be used. Instead of a “spelling list” going home each Monday with a test to follow on Friday, in class there will be daily work and instruction which is research-based to ensure that students learn to spell for writing. That is, to spell words forever, not just for a test. Assessment will occur in class, and students will bring home words they have not yet mastered. These words can be worked on at home and will continue to be used in the lessons at school.
The students will be provided instruction in many modes of writing, including narrative, imaginative, expository, and persuasive. We will focus on the structure of sentences, paragraphs, and multi-paragraph papers. Purposeful instruction will include modeled writing, shared writing, guided writing, and independent writing. The kids will use journals, writers notebooks, and word processing.
Thank you for your time,
Karrie Brown